Sunday Finds #008

Photo by Kelly Searle on Unsplash

Been a minute since I last did a Sunday Find. You may have noticed a bit of silence on the blog, but that’s because I have been insanely busy lately! The end of February and most of March included setting up art shows, taking an online course, photoshoots, creating a chalk mural, freelance work, overtime at the day job, household reorganization, and more. I am dissapointed that life has taken me away from something I love—blogging, but so it goes! Now, I finally have time to update consistently so I am going to take advantage!

Here are some finds to help start off your week.

+ This (Un)Paper Towel DIY from A Beautiful Mess for reusable "paper" towels. I desperately need to make this. Weekend project, perhaps?

+ "For Many Facebook Users, a ‘Last Straw’ That Led Them to Quit” by Tiffany Hsu from The New York Times. Because this Facebook/Cambridge Analytica story is bananas and I dearly miss the time I did not have Facebook (and didn’t need it for Instagram business analytics & my job). Those were the good ole’ days.

+ These resistance loop exercise bands because I am trying my damndest to grow a booty and these will help get me there (workouts to be shared on a later date).

+ The amazing people who participated in the worldwide march, March for Our Lives, to protest gun violence.

+ "Why Do I Have to Keep Reminding You Not to Use the N-Word?" in case you missed it, as it has sparked some interesting conversations in both the comments and my social media accounts. Add your two cents, perhaps?

+ 40% off everything at Nasty Gal because I have never been able to afford their non-clearance clothing until now, and these gems are a steal.

weekly round-up, lifestyleGrace Stampsfinds, fashion, articles, products, instagram